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Tree Pruning

Tree Pruning That Works Wonders!

Did you know that tree pruning rejuvenates old trees and encourages flower production? Take it as your cue to give your overgrown trees a much-needed pruning service! At Deus Arbor, we have a skilled team of arborists who know exactly which part of the tree to cut to boost its health, beauty, and longevity. 

Whether you want to refine the shapes of your trees, maintain their health, or simply make them look more appealing, we’ve got you covered. 

So, allow us the chance to work our magic on your landscape and reach out!

Ready to Give Your Trees the Professional Care They Deserve?

If you’re ready, you can reach out to us. Call now for a free estimate. A representative will respond.

Our Tree Pruning Process Simplified!

This is how our arborists prune trees:

  • Assess The Tree: The first thing we do is to carefully examine the tree, its structure, and its branches to locate all dead and diseased parts. 
  • Create a Plan: After assessment, we design a pruning strategy—which branches to cut or prune, based on our customer’s desired outcome and the tree’s requirements.
  • Prune The Trees: Once we have a plan, we get to work. We use high-end, reliable tools and equipment to strategically cut all unwanted parts. 
  • Clean The Debris: Finally, we clean up all the debris and pieces of wood to maintain your lawn’s aesthetics.

If this convinces you to treat your trees to a pruning service, get a free quote. If not, give us a call!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of tree pruning?

It refers to removing certain parts of a tree to improve its growth, health, and beauty.

When should trees be pruned?

Anytime you spot dead or diseased branches in a tree! But generally, the mid to late winter is considered the ideal time for pruning. 

What are the three Ts of pruning?

The total cost depends on various factors like size, tree, location of the tree, and complexity of pruning. Contact us to get a free estimate. 

What are the three Ts of pruning?

The essential T’s of pruning are timing, tools, and technique. Only a combination of these three ensures the effectiveness of the pruning process.

What is the best tree pruning method?

The best tree pruning method is one that is customized to the individual requirements of a tree. A one-fits-all approach may not be the wisest strategy.

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If you have any questions or concerns, leave a message. An expert will get back to you within 24 to 48 hours.

Requesting A Call:

6104 3240 0609

Open Hours:

9 am - 5 pm


820 Bangalow Rd, Talofa NSW 2481, Australia

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